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About Climate Change Now

Climate Change T-shirts is a part of Climate Change Now, an IRS 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit charity. Our climate science education outreach efforts are supported through the sale of t-shirts, apparel and climate change gear.

The Climate Change Now Initiative is the oldest independent climate science education organization in the world. Founded in 2005, we focus on the most recent fundamental academic climate science findings, abrupt changes, and the solutions to climate pollution that result in a healthy zero warming climate, not a Earth that attempts to avoid dangerous change.

We do this using techniques direct from the emerging discipline of global warming psychology that says: past strategies have not resulted dangerous climate change prevention and new, unique and innovated learning methods are needed.


The mission of Climate Change Now is to enhance climate science education with direct reporting of the latest academic findings, and actual impacts already happening in the field, using unique and innovative outreach techniques, so that public knowledge can drive development of  appropriate policy to deal with climate pollution in a meaningful way.


WHAT WE DO: Climate Change Now focuses on interpreting and communicating the most recent climate science in plain English, with a platform that includes: over 400 evaluations of academic climate literature, over 50 popular press articles, two unique music climate documentaries, numerous short films, a book, and 36 songs. Our films deliver observations of abrupt changes ongoing now generations to a century ahead of schedule, from some of the most beautiful and remote places in North America and Greenland. Our primary resource is a professional engineer, environmental researcher, trained outreach specialist, front man for the band Climate Change, and slammin blues harp player.

Please visit our base camp at:

Our films are here: Case Grande Films

Our music is here: The Band Climate Change