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climate solutions

When will climate change turn life in the U.S. upside down?

By Abrupt changes, climate emergency, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, Earth systems, Emissions, Emissions flip, evolutionary boundaries, media myths, Myths, The Unexpected, warming in the pipeline
Painting by Henry C. Pitz showing John Wesley Powell and his party descending the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, presumably during the historic 1869 expedition. (Image credit: Smithsonian Institution,…
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Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions

By Abrupt changes, Arctic Sea Ice, Arctic warming, Climate Catastrophes, climate emergency, Climate Policy, climate restoration, climate solutions, collapse, Earth systems, Extreme Weather, feedback, feedbacks, Impacts, irreversible, risk, Scenarios, Solutions, tipping, uncontrollable
Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions Feedback s are best understood by example. The cloud machine feedback in a forest is a good one to start with. Remove…
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The Latest on Forest and Ag Sequestration – Good, But Not Near Enough

By adaptation, Agriculture, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, forestation, forests, Negative emissions, reforestation, regenerative agriculture, sequestration, soils
Twenty authors from all across the world, led by Stephanie Roe at the University of Virginia in a review article in Nature Climate Change titled, Contribution of the land sector…
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Scientific American on Understating Climate Science – Very Important

By climate change, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate solutions, communications, Deniers and Delayers, Fairness Bias, global warming, Global Warming psychology, Impacts, Legacy Policy, Oreskes, Policy, politics, Psycho, reticence, Scientific American, understating climate science
Four giant sequoias killed or mostly killed by climate change-caused wildfire. Sequoia National Monument, Black Mountain Grove, Pier Fire 2017. Sequoias don’t normal die in wildfire. When our climate has…
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Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal: Science and Money Speak

By adaptation, air capture, carbon dioxide removal, Carbon Engineering, CDR, climate solutions, CO2 capture, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Exxonmobile, Global Thermostat, Healthy Climate, Klaus Lackner, Legacy Policy, Negative emissions, Occidental Chemicals, sequestration, Solutions, Strategy
Link to Arizona State University Video – How, exactly, are we going to reverse climate change in time to save our soles from frying on the pavement? As a…
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