It may not be this year, but it may be. These extreme cold outbreaks caused by climate change were generally not supposed to happen according to the models, but the…
Climate Change Across America Filming Report, September/October 2024: East Coast and New England – A Summary Bruce Melton This season we witnessed 13,000 miles of climate change across the Eastern…
Record-breaking ice accumulation struck Austin on January 31-February 2, 2023 leading to the worst ice disaster Austin has ever seen. One would think that this obviously climate change-caused event would…
KXAN Pavement Temperature 162 F August 19, 2024, high temperature for the year. American cities are getting unbearably hot. These ones are roasting the most First published at CNN by…
Radio Interview on MeltOn’s latest climate change filming trip from Texas to Delaware and the Outer Banks.Rag Radio (syndicated on Pacifica) Interview by Thorne Dreyer, July 27, 2024 (Article)Climate Change…
Thirteen Monthly Global High Temperature Records in a RowCurrent 12-Month average 1.64 C Above NormalCopernicus Report, European Union’s Earth Observation and Monitoring ProgramSurface Air Temperature June 2024 June 2024 was…
by Bruce Melton PEClimate Change Now InitiativeOctober 2023(Link to the learning tool) This slide deck is a learning tool with 18,000 words in 52 slides with 70 beautiful images. The…
The cover image for this story shows the daily high temperature anomalies for the Austin weather station at Camp Mabry for each day of the year 2022; one colored stripe…
June 11, 2022 – Mark Glover interview Bruce Melton on Chama Valley Radio, The Eagle, KXJR, New Mexico. Watch, listen or download the interview here (Fast forward about five minutes…
First published by Bruce Melton PE in the Austin Sierran as a part of its cover image description on February 7, 2024 The most common species of frostweed in Central…
The fifth, 100-year drought since 2005 has struck the Amazon in 2023; this one more extreme than any of the previous events. Each of these droughts except one were more…
This exeedance of the dangerous 1.5 degree C threshold so far ahead of projections will be (I believe) particularly conducive to communicating the great need for emergency actions. These actions…
Lake Travis: Record Low? Despite the rains, Lake Travis’ water elevation of 631.1 feet elevation is only two and a half feet higher than it’s low pf 628.5 feet in…
Image: Lakeway City Park on Lake Travis, 2011 Drought of Record, elevation approximately 630. The elevation for February 2024 was 631.34. First published at the Dallas Federal Reserve by Jayashankar…
Bruce Melton, logs with photos and video are below the summary.) Across the Central Rockies from the San Juans to Rocky Mountain National Park, beetle attacks are growing again.…
Bruce MeltonClimateDiscovery.orgFirst published as an abridge version on The Rag Blog, as a part of an-in-depth radio interview on the Rag Radio syndicated on Pacifica on 7/21/2023 There’s a quote…
Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions Feedback s are best understood by example. The cloud machine feedback in a forest is a good one to start with. Remove…
A few sequoias saved from the KNP fire. 2022 Review – Critical Climate Science Findings Below are some of the scientific findings that made our archives in 2022. These are…
Sequoias Burn: Ongoing Collapse of the Unburnable By Bruce Melton PE, Director of the Climate Change Now Initiative 2005, on the Rag Blog for an interview on Rag Radio…
Giant Sequoias: A Climate Tipping Pointby Bruce Melton PE Follow MeltOn in the field on Instagram See abridged version on August 9, 2022. Summary: Up to 13,000 mature sequoias…
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