
Climate Culture

When Does Climate Catastrophism Become Climate Reality?

By abrupt change, Abrupt changes, adaptation, Antarctica, catastrophe, Catastrophism, certainty, climate, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, economics, Extreme Weather, flood, Hurricane Harvey, modeling, Policy, Professional judegement, reality, resource abandonment

As flood frequency increases, when will the time come where recovery is no longer worth the effort? Climate catastrophism, or as it will be called soon, reality, is getting tougher…

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New Climate Culture

By Abrupt changes, alternatives, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate solultions, climate solutions, communications, Emissions, Emissions Scenarios, Global Warming psychology, Legacy Policy, Messaging, Negative emissions, Policy, politics, Psycho, Scenarios, Solutions, Strategy, What we can do

In 2015, new energy generation construction from wind and solar accounted for 70 percent of the total globally. Natural gas was 27 percent and coal was relegated to the 3%…

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