Climate Change Across America Filming Report, September/October 2024: East Coast and New England – A Summary Bruce Melton This season we witnessed 13,000 miles of climate change across the Eastern…
Painting by Henry C. Pitz showing John Wesley Powell and his party descending the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, presumably during the historic 1869 expedition. (Image credit: Smithsonian Institution,…
Painting by Henry C. Pitz showing John Wesley Powell and his party descending the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, presumably during the historic 1869 expedition. (Image credit: Smithsonian Institution,…
Radio Interview on MeltOn’s latest climate change filming trip from Texas to Delaware and the Outer Banks.Rag Radio (syndicated on Pacifica) Interview by Thorne Dreyer, July 27, 2024 (Article)Climate Change…
by Bruce Melton PEClimate Change Now InitiativeOctober 2023(Link to the learning tool) This slide deck is a learning tool with 18,000 words in 52 slides with 70 beautiful images. The…
The cover image for this story shows the daily high temperature anomalies for the Austin weather station at Camp Mabry for each day of the year 2022; one colored stripe…
June 11, 2022 – Mark Glover interview Bruce Melton on Chama Valley Radio, The Eagle, KXJR, New Mexico. Watch, listen or download the interview here (Fast forward about five minutes…
Bruce MeltonClimateDiscovery.orgFirst published as an abridge version on The Rag Blog, as a part of an-in-depth radio interview on the Rag Radio syndicated on Pacifica on 7/21/2023 There’s a quote…
Onion Creek Flood 2013, US 183 bridge, Austin, Texas – new record flood depth.Climate change has returned to the news in full force with the Council of Parties meeting COP26,…
Permafrost thaw, Glenn Highway, Southeastern AlaskaI am continually amazed that scientists consistently find that ecological collapses have been activated, but do not connect that existing warming today, that activated these…
Southern and Southwestern Colorado Beetle Attack and Forest Regeneration Failure at Mesa Verde National Park We returned to filming after a long covid. No trouble. On the big drive from…
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