Feb 02 Love0 Climate Change 2018 Review: The Good and Bad, What Have We Learned? By bmelton 2018 review, Abrupt changes, adaptation, Agriculture, Arctic, Atlas 14, California Fires, carbon dioxide removal, Climate Catastrophes, climate change, Climate Policy, climate solutions, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, environmental rollbacks, Extreme Weather, Fire, flood, forest health, Forest Mortality, forests, Fracking, global warming, Healthy Climate, Impacts, in-depth and Popular Press, IPCC, IPCC 1.5 C Report, is global warming real, National Climate Assessment, Negative emissions, Permafrost, pine beetle, Policy, politics, Reports, Scenarios, Solutions, Trump, Uncategorized by Bruce MeltonClimate Change Now Initiative, 501c3 (Link to Article) The Woolsey Fire Evacuation, November 9, 2018, Malibu, California. Unprecedented catastrophes increase in extremeness nonlinearly with further warming. Photo by…Read More
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