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Deniers and Delayers

Scientific American on Understating Climate Science – Very Important

By climate change, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, climate solutions, communications, Deniers and Delayers, Fairness Bias, global warming, Global Warming psychology, Impacts, Legacy Policy, Oreskes, Policy, politics, Psycho, reticence, Scientific American, understating climate science
Four giant sequoias killed or mostly killed by climate change-caused wildfire. Sequoia National Monument, Black Mountain Grove, Pier Fire 2017. Sequoias don’t normal die in wildfire. When our climate has…
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Master Denier Frank Luntz Flips on Climate and Offers Communications Help

By climate action, climate communications, climate messaging, Climate Reform, communications, deniers, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Fire, Frank Luntz, Global Warming psychology, Healthy Climate, Impacts, Messaging, Myths, Psycho, Strategy, The Unexpected, What we can do
(See YouTube video of the Skirball Fire in Bel Air here.) The strategist that created the Conservative’s climate change playbook in 2002 has flipped. His house almost burned in a…
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Nearly Two Billion Dollars Spent on Anti-Climate Science Legislative Lobbying 2000 to 2016

By anti-climates science, bills, Climate Policy, Congress, Deniers and Delayers, fossil fuel industrial complex, fossil fuel organizations, fossil fuels, legislation, lobbying, Policy, politics, The Unexpected
Nearly Two Billion Dollars spent on Anti-Climate Science Legislative Lobbying 2000 to 2016 Robert Brulle at Drexel University reminds us of what makes Congress work, “public opinion is only one,…
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False Balance in the Media Reduces Climate Science Credibility, Oxford English Dictionary

By California, Climate Catastrophes, climate change, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, Climate Reform, communications, credibility, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, extremes wildfire, fairness balance, false balance, Fire, global warming, Impacts, Media, Messaging, Myths, news, Policy, politics, Psycho, reporting journlism, Strategy, Trump, Uncategorized, What we can do
“Journalists have struggled historically to apply the notion of balance to the reporting of climate change science, because even though the overwhelming majority of the world’s experts agree that human-driven climate change is…
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Trump on Global Warming: What’s so Bad About A Little Warming

By A little bit of warming, Arctic, climate change, cold, Deniers and Delayers, Extreme Weather, Forest Mortality, global warming, Impacts, Myths, polar vortex, Shifting Ecology, Temperature, The Unexpected, Trump, warming is good, why is it cold with global warming
Average temperature in the far north has warmed double the rest of the planet because snow reflects almost all of the sun’s energy back into space. When snow melts, that…
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