Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions Feedback s are best understood by example. The cloud machine feedback in a forest is a good one to start with. Remove…
A few sequoias saved from the KNP fire. 2022 Review – Critical Climate Science Findings Below are some of the scientific findings that made our archives in 2022. These are…
Permafrost thaw, Glenn Highway, Southeastern AlaskaI am continually amazed that scientists consistently find that ecological collapses have been activated, but do not connect that existing warming today, that activated these…
Background: Permafrost Collapse is Underway With Emission Plausibly Rivaling All of Global Transportation… Across the Northern Hemisphere, permafrost melt emitted 630 TgC, or 2.3 gigatons (Gt) CO2 (not including methane)…
More than half of known climate tipping points or Earth systems, are currently active. They complete without further warming, 45 percent have dynamic feedbacks that enhance extremeness and speed the…
Why are climate change impacts so much worse than projected? What does it mean? Why don’t we do something? In a nutshell, science is conservative, it’s slow, and the great climate…
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