Image: Yale Climate Connections The Warming Rate for the Last Two Years Has Been 25 Times the Warming Rate of the Last 150 Years A review of Hansen 2025. In…
It may not be this year, but it may be. These extreme cold outbreaks caused by climate change were generally not supposed to happen according to the models, but the…
Copernicus Versus Berkeley Earth – Which Global Temperature is Correct? Are scientists confused? Some global temperature reports tell us that 2024 is the first year above the 1.5 degrees C…
Texas’ Winter Forecast: Much Warmer than Normal, With An Above Average Chance of Extreme ColdThe Electric Reliability Council of Texas tells us that this winter is expected to be warmer…
KXAN Pavement Temperature 162 F August 19, 2024, high temperature for the year. American cities are getting unbearably hot. These ones are roasting the most First published at CNN by…
The “remarkably unprecedented” increase in warming rate in 2023 and 2024 * All time global temperature records keep falling|* Almost every single day over the last 13 months set a…
Thirteen Monthly Global High Temperature Records in a RowCurrent 12-Month average 1.64 C Above NormalCopernicus Report, European Union’s Earth Observation and Monitoring ProgramSurface Air Temperature June 2024 June 2024 was…
by Bruce Melton PEClimate Change Now InitiativeOctober 2023(Link to the learning tool) This slide deck is a learning tool with 18,000 words in 52 slides with 70 beautiful images. The…
The cover image for this story shows the daily high temperature anomalies for the Austin weather station at Camp Mabry for each day of the year 2022; one colored stripe…
First published by Bruce Melton PE in the Austin Sierran as a part of its cover image description on February 7, 2024 The most common species of frostweed in Central…
Image: The “Flats” on the back side of Padre Island in South Texas. Just inches above sea level, these flats are mostly gone today from sea level rise. The Global…
This exeedance of the dangerous 1.5 degree C threshold so far ahead of projections will be (I believe) particularly conducive to communicating the great need for emergency actions. These actions…
Image: Lakeway City Park on Lake Travis, 2011 Drought of Record, elevation approximately 630. The elevation for February 2024 was 631.34. First published at the Dallas Federal Reserve by Jayashankar…
With magical zero emissions tomorrow, equilibrium warming in the pipeline is now 10 degrees C (18 F) in several centuries and 6 to 7 C (11 to 13 F) in…
When Normals Are Not Normal The National Weather Service Is Unwittingly Obscuring the Reality of Global Warmingby Bruce Melton PESee the abridged version on, July 17, 2022In-depth references are…
Extreme Heat Increased 22,100 Percent in Last 40 Years James Hansen has a new post out to his big list where he shows heat extremes across Northern Hemisphere land areas…
Dune erosion from sea level rise on South Padre Island wilderness beach, 13 miles beyond the end of pavement. The similarly sloped surf facing dune angles reveal sandbergs calving into…
Ice-rich permafrost exposed on the face of Itkillik Bluff on the North Slope of Alaska. Unsurprisingly, we have roundly exceeded climate norms in our old climate. Records continue to be…
Yes, the last five years have been the hottest five years recorded since 1880. This is a big deal. But what we hear in the media belies bigger things. One…
“Mean” is the statistical term for “average. The “running mean” averages each successive periods like, January through December, February though January, March through February, etc. The 12-month running mean shows…
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