Image: Yale Climate Connections The Warming Rate for the Last Two Years Has Been 25 Times the Warming Rate of the Last 150 Years A review of Hansen 2025. In…
It may not be this year, but it may be. These extreme cold outbreaks caused by climate change were generally not supposed to happen according to the models, but the…
by Bruce Melton PEClimate Change Now InitiativeOctober 2023(Link to the learning tool) This slide deck is a learning tool with 18,000 words in 52 slides with 70 beautiful images. The…
Image: The “Flats” on the back side of Padre Island in South Texas. Just inches above sea level, these flats are mostly gone today from sea level rise. The Global…
Bruce MeltonClimateDiscovery.orgFirst published as an abridge version on The Rag Blog, as a part of an-in-depth radio interview on the Rag Radio syndicated on Pacifica on 7/21/2023 There’s a quote…
A brief discussion with summarized academic findings. Climate Tipping, Earth Systems Collapse Initiation Greenland and Antarctica have seen their tipping activated. This does not mean they have passed the point…
Risky Feedbacks – Not In Models; Understated Solutions Feedback s are best understood by example. The cloud machine feedback in a forest is a good one to start with. Remove…
“Where do we move?” Retirees want to know where they can escape climate change impacts. Those seeking to give their kids the best life they can want to know. The…
Background: Permafrost Collapse is Underway With Emission Plausibly Rivaling All of Global Transportation… Across the Northern Hemisphere, permafrost melt emitted 630 TgC, or 2.3 gigatons (Gt) CO2 (not including methane)…
Melton talks with Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer about ongoing massive permafrost collapse and the science showing the Covid-19 origina debate is ongoing, with compelling findings on pathogen reanimation from…
Permafrost collapse on the Glenn Highway in southeastern Alaska near Slana. By Bruce MeltonFirst Published on The Rag Blog on July 7, 2020 AUSTIN — The origin of Covid-19 is…
First Published on the Rag Blog, April 20, 2020 In my work as a professional engineer, as an environmental researcher, and now as the director of the oldest independent climate…
Already, Alaska has flipped from a carbon sink to a carbon source from permafrost melt and methane emissions. (Commane 2017, science interpreted) Alaska — the entire state, and likely the…
Why are climate change impacts so much worse than projected? What does it mean? Why don’t we do something? In a nutshell, science is conservative, it’s slow, and the great climate…
With Five Times As Much Warming Just what do all the squiggly lines mean? To start with, the way science is shown to us civilians is a bit misleading generally.…
Emissions reductions alone allow Earth’s temperature to continue to rise, sea level to continue to climb, and our beaches to mostly disappear. What can we do to not only prevent…
“Mean” is the statistical term for “average. The “running mean” averages each successive periods like, January through December, February though January, March through February, etc. The 12-month running mean shows…
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