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abrupt change

How much CO2 reduction, how much does it cost, and what’s it worth? A Detailed Primer

By abrupt change, Abrupt changes, atmopsheric removal, Carbon Engineering, climate, Climate Reform, climate restoration, climate solutions, CO2 reduction, CO2 Removal and Sequestration, Global Thermostat, global warming, Healthy Climate, Negative emissions, reversal, sequestration, Strategy
Joule, Corrected proof. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2018.05.006 We have been moving towards the answers to these questions forever it seems, so here goes: Immediately below is my summary. Further down are thoughts on…
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When Does Climate Catastrophism Become Climate Reality?

By abrupt change, Abrupt changes, adaptation, Antarctica, catastrophe, Catastrophism, certainty, climate, Climate Catastrophes, Climate Culture, Climate Policy, economics, Extreme Weather, flood, Hurricane Harvey, modeling, Policy, Professional judegement, reality, resource abandonment
As flood frequency increases, when will the time come where recovery is no longer worth the effort? Climate catastrophism, or as it will be called soon, reality, is getting tougher…
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